Corporate Experience

Dec 2012 - Dec 2015
PhD student engineer with Orange Labs (Issy Les Moulineaux, France).
Self-Optimizing algorithms design for 4G Networks.
- Development of SON algorithms for load balancing, inter-cell interference coordination, resource allocation and beam focusing in massive MIMO for homogeneous/heterogeneous networks, vertical and virtual sectorization.
- Design of a formal methodology for coordinating multiple concurrent SON mechanisms.
- Coding and evolution of an event-based LTE radio interface simulator in Matlab in order to evaluate the performance of proposed algorithms.
- 9 conference, 2 journal and 1 magazine papers published including a best paper at EuCNC 2015 conference.
- A Poster and a micro-presentation at Orange’s PhD students day, selected for presentation to Cédric Villani (Fields Medal 2010).
- Two demos presented at Orange Labs research exhibition (2013 & 2015).
- Research results presented to Orange Labs scientific council.
Thesis in PDF | Slides in PDF
Feb–Jun 2012
Graduation Project at KAUST (Thuwal, Saudi Arabia).
Low SNR characterization of the Capacity of Generalized Fading Channels.
- Capacity of MIMO channel under Rayleigh fading with Full CSI at the transmitter and at low SNR
- Capacity of MIMO channel under Rayleigh fading with Imperfect CSI at the transmitter and at low SNR
- Capacity of SISO channel under lognormal shadowing at low SNR
- Application of theoretical results to design On-Off transmission schemes
Report in PDF | Slides in PDF
Jul-Aug 2011
Internship at Telecel FASO (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso).
Preliminary studies for mobile network migration to 3G: solution proposal and dimensioning.
- Study about implementation of 3rd generation technology
- Preliminary dimensioning for UMTS
- Assistance for maintenance operations out on site
Report in PDF | Slides in PDF | Simple Dimensioning Java app (launch .jar inside .zip)
Jul-Aug 2010
Internship at Systèmes Electro-Techniques pour l’Auto (SETA) (Sfax,Tunisia).
Discovery of enterprise life. 5S procedure audit.
- Understand and criticize materials flow in the company
- Analyze and criticize 5S audit criteria
- Establish hourly and per worker throughput survey
Report in PDF | Slides in PDF


PhD in Computer Science at Université d’Avignon (Avignon, France).
Optimization and Self-optimization for LTE-Advanced networks using stochastic approximation, convex optimization, queuing theory and multi-armed bandits.
Polytechnic Engineer in Tunisia Polytechnic School (La Marsa, Tunisia).
General Engineering Studies with major in Signals and Systems
Preparatory classes in Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d’Ingénieurs (Sfax, Tunisia).
Diploma of General University Studies, major in Maths/Physics.


Knowledge of radio interface and architectures of GSM, UMTS and LTE/LTE-Advanced, self-organizing networks - SON (e.g. load balancing, inter-cell interference coordination), MIMO, software-defined networks (SDN).
Dimensioning, link budget, radio network planning (antenna optimization), radio resource management.
Stochastic Approximation, Convex Optimization, Queuing Theory, Multi-armed Bandits.
Matlab, Mathematica, R, C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
French (daily language, studies in french), English (Fluent, scored 101/120 at TOEFL iBT (2012) and 990/990 at TOEIC (2012)).